David McNicholas Golf DMac Golf LTD
David McNicholas Golf DMac Golf LTD


David has nearly 15 years teaching experience and prides himself on his holistic approach to coaching. Since beginning his coaching journey, David has looked to broaden his golfing knowledge by furthering his studies in Golf Psychology. 


Golf Psychology has become central to David's coaching and is very much part of his coaching philosophy. Since turning Professional David has concentrated on designing a number of Coaching Programmes, focused on developing the players mind as well as their technique for elite performance.


In recent years David has experienced a great deal of success as a coach with both individuals and with a team, helping Elsham acheive two National Finals in the same year.


Throughout 2022, David completed his PGA Director of Golf Qualification, the Vision54 - SuperGolfer54 course and the SuperCoach54 certification, becoming one of the only Vision54 Certified coaches in the country. 


In late 2022, David was appointed as one of the Lead Perofrmance Coaches for the LGGS (Lincolnshire Girls Golf Squad) helping to develop the best young female golfers in the County.


In 2023 David was awarded the honours of the PGA in Lincolnshire Coach of the year and Midlands Coach of the Year.

Coaching CV

PGA Foundation Degree                                  2010


ASQ Level 2 - Golf Coaching                           2010


Golf Psychology Certificate.                             2012


Certificate of Golf Management Threory          2020


PGA Director of Golf                                        2022


Vision54 - SuperGolfer54                                 2022


Vision54 - SuperCoach54 Certification            2022


Lead Development Coach - LGGS                  2022


PGA in Lincolnshire Coach of the Year            2022


PGA Midland Region Coach of the Year          2022



Key Influences


Vision 54 Programme

Dave Alred - Pressure Principle 

Matthew Syed

Anything Sports Psychology related



Coaching Achievements


PGA Midland Region Coach of the Year 2022

PGA in Lincolnshire Coach of the Year 2022

Winner of the National Laddie Lucas Award

Lead Development Coach for the LGGS

Coach to Danny Willet Salver Champion 2023

Coach to 2022 Lincolnshire Amateur Champion

Coach to 2021 Lincolnshire Open Champion

Coach to 2020 Lincolnshire Amateur Champion

Coach to 3rd Place at North of England Amateur

Coached Elsham Junior Team to 2 National Finals

Coach to 12 local Club Champions in 8 years


PGA Midlands Coach of the Year 2022

PGA in Lincolnshire Coach of the Year Trophy (with Kiwi)

⭐️⭐️ Star Players ⭐️⭐️

Callum Bruce

Handicap +4


Callum is an Elsham Golf Club member who has been on an upward trajectory for some time. Working with David for nearly a decade now, Callum has gone from strength to strength and finished the 2020 season off in style by finishing 3rd in the North of England Amateur Championship at Alwoodley Golf Club. This great performance gained him a World Amateur Golf Ranking, which he has improved in the 2021 and 2022 seasons. 


The 2021 season itself saw Callum compete in Brabazon Trophy and English Amateur Championship. The season has finished on a high with a victory in the Lincolnshire Open after a sudden death play off. In 2022 Callum has played both the Lytham Trophy and British Amateur Championship, as well as continuing to excell for both Club and County.


Callum started the 2023 season in good form by claiming his first World Amateur Ranking event at Lindrick, winning the Danny Willett Salver by 5 shots.  



Adam Barnard 

Handicap +3


Adam is also an Elsham member who has has been enjoying a very successful period in his amateur career. After winning 5 Club Championships consecutively, Adam then won the Lincolnshire Amateur Championship in 2020 and regained the tile in 2022 (see picture)


Adam's victory cemented his place as one of the County's finest players and now he is looking to improve on his current form in the season ahead. David and Adam have worked closely together for 8 years now and hope to keep developing in 2022 by attaining an Amateur World Ranking. 

Jonny Kittle 

Handicap +3


Jonny is also a member of Elsham Golf Club and has been working closely with David since the start of 2022. 


Jonny has won the U21 County Championship for the past 2 years and will be heading across to America to start college at a NCAA 1 university in 2023.






County Championship 1st, 2nd and 3rd


Adam, Jonny and Callum claimed the top 3 spots in the 2022 Lincolnshire Amateur Championship. The three DMac Golf students helped Elsham Qualify for the Champions Club event for a chance to play in the European Finals. 


Vision54 - SuperCoach Certified

  Contact Information

David McNicholas Golf Ltd

Elsham Golf Club

Barton Road
North Lincolnshire
DN20 0LS



Tel: 01652 680291

Mob: 07514801429


Or use our contact form.

DMac Golf LTD

 Open 7 Days a week           

8.00am - Dark 

     Winter Special

      Coaching Deal

Old package prices for 3x45 minute lessons






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