David McNicholas Golf DMac Golf LTD
David McNicholas Golf DMac Golf LTD

David McNicholas

Head PGA Professional

Director of Golf

Elsham Golf Club


David turned professional in 2007 and worked as an assistant Pro before graduating from the PGA Academy in 2010. Since qualifying David has gained a strong reputation for coaching and is available for tuition all year round.  He continues to further his studies in Golf & Sports Psychology, whilst currently designing his own short game programme.  His unique holistic approach has helped golfers of all levels, from beginners to those with European Tour experience.

In 2018 David was part of the Professional Team that won the Laddie Lucas coaching award. The National Coaching Honour presented to the team at Wentworth Golf Club was part of the Golf Foundation President’s Awards. The Laddie Lucas award celebrates a project that has created more opportunities for girls to get involved in golf. Elsham Golf Club was also recognised for their efforts in opening their doors to all golfers and as a team helped to move the club forwards. It was the first time a club in Lincolnshire had been recognised in this way.

Most recently David has completed the Certificate of Theory in Golf Management as part of the PGA Director of Golf Qualification. The qualification brings together all the skills required to be a modern Golf Professional, from coaching, to golf club management, whilst helping to refine pre-existing skills used day in day out to run a successful Pro Shop business. In 2022, David became one of only a small number of Professionals to complete the full Director of Golf Qualification and is now the Director of Golf at Elsham. 

David is also a regular player on both the local and Midland PGA circuits He is the former Lincolnshire Assistants Champion and Lincolnshire PGA Captain, currently sits on the PGA committee and is the County’s representative on the Partnership Board. Early 2020 David was presented with a Charitable Contribution award by the PGA in Lincolnshire for his efforts in raising money for the local SOBS charity.

In early 2023 David has been awarded the honours of both the PGA in Lincolnshire Coach of the Year and Midland Region Coach of the Year.



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  Contact Information

David McNicholas Golf Ltd

Elsham Golf Club

Barton Road
North Lincolnshire
DN20 0LS



Tel: 01652 680291

Mob: 07514801429


Or use our contact form.

DMac Golf LTD

 Open 7 Days a week           

8.00am - Dark 

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